Thursday, January 14, 2010

The white clouds!

Was walking back to the hostel after a bite of some "aalu parathas" from the little stall outside my college campus. Actually, Stalin wanted to eat something for lunch, and since i had nothing to do (as usual), I decided to join him. Was having a "cutting" in my hand, and while taking a small sip, i looked up at the sky - to see the setting sun and the reddish-orangish lit clouds in the blue background, a familiar sight in the winter evenings.

However, I was surprised to see a contrast of colors in the clouds. The clouds under which I was walking was dark, with no light, while a few steps ahead were bright white clouds with the blue sky lit up behind it.

I felt some kind of an amazement. I felt like I was walking under a dark cloud, a time of hardships, pessimism and loneliness that has gripped me and would eat me alive. I thought this is how my life has (or had) become for such a long time. But still I continued to walk. My eyes were not on the dark clouds but on the white ones. The ones that were ahead of me and calling me. I swear one of them was in the shape of arms spread out to take me out of the darkness and bring me to happier times. I felt an excitement surge through my chest and I almost sprinting to reach out to those white clouds (i am lying, i was walking briskly that's it), trying to run away from my despairing life to a life of optimism and faith and hope. I reached under the sky, stood there for a minute, smiled to myself and felt the breeze around me....

This was just a small incident, nothing significant or nothing about to be blogged. but yet, it was something unusual, something like the nature itself tells us that whatever is the situations, you'll always find light ahead. There is always going to be some way that will lead you to the kind of life you desire. And everybody wants a happy life, isn't it. Only the definition of happiness differs. But whatever it is, the only thing that you have to look out for is the one white cloud that will guide you to happiness, to love, to faith and to one thing that will always be yours...yourself..your true self.

That's when we'll find freedom - when we'll forget about the black cloud hovering above us and look ahead to the white clouds that are a few steps ahead. the only thing that will decide how quick we reach them, is the speed we decide to run towards it. It's our heart that decides whether we choose -the black clouds or the white ones!



  1. hey kunal dats a nice 1 from u...coz dats on optimism..liked it..

    n being happy doesnt mean everyhting is means we have learned to luk beyond imperfections...

    b wateva juz do everything dat keeps u happy...

  2. well gr8 said!!!
    u always find ur answers in nature...see arnd n der the ting lies...ur prob n ur solution...n indeed clouds are d best amngst it....ull alwys find dem close to u...
    hpe u reach 2wrds ur desired cloud soon!!!!!!

  3. Nice thoughts Kunal. You have written it so well that I could imagine myself in your position.

    True, that most of the time we think about those dark dark clouds surrounding us and perhaps lose our hope, but you have rightly mentioned that its the white clouds that we should follow and try to reach.

    Darkness and light are both parts of our lives. If one of them was missing we would not have realised the importance of the other one.

    Like the same, life has its own ups and downs. Its totally on us how we should look into it.

    Great post. Liked it.

  4. That was a meaningful moment well captured and put into words beautifully.Looks like there is more to look for in life than just a silver lining. Loved the post...keep 'em coming :)

  5. nice post kunal....

    nature has its own way to inspire us

  6. .. words are magical , indeed life flows in the stillness of nature... beautiful picture u have sketched.. looking up to my cloud .. :)

  7. thanks gopika, yogi and gayatri for nice comments and encouragement.


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