Friday, January 22, 2010

Suffering from Infomania…

The whole day spent in front of the comp

mails, Twitter,

blogs on Google Reader,

Links-links everywhere,

Sometimes videos, sometimes text…

never come to know what will be next!




so much of information around

even with a wrong click, look what I found…

it’s oh-s0-amazing,

but the very next moment…

its blank n bling bling!!

cant recollect what I read last…

my tweet timeline moves so effing fast…

I’m goin down with the amazing info,

but sometimes feel, should shut dowm my laptop and just go…

go where???

Oh! I dont know..

will have to search on google or bing!

On google maps…

I’ll even get the directions,

today I look on to the internet for each of my li’l actions!

is it good or bad..i dont know..dont ask me my friend..

I don’t have no information on that from any site,

that I can lend…

so many profiles on the net, so much information,

I don’t know who’s me…

Am i suffering from Schizophrenia???

Or is it just that,

with so much to browse around,

that I am dying of infomania!!!




P.S.: Sitting too much in front of the computer and surfing on the social networking sites may decrease your IQ. It’s a humble request to anyone who reads it (accidently) that close your laptop now and go out for a walk! :D

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