Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In My (not so humble) Opinion...

It's placement season at Alliance Business School for my batch...

After lot of deliberate thinking, being choosy, showing some attitude and after getting over my laziness, I applied for a famous 5 star hotel that had visited my campus (along with a surprise of 3 more colleges taking up the competition from 63 to 300 :O)

Anyway, bein my first interview, I was predictably anxious and a li'l nervous for the fact that I have given only 4 interviews so far and all were during my grad college placements at K.C. College, and got selected in Accenture (though i didn't take my offer letter and "unfornately" decided to come here). However, this was going to be my first management interview (if at all i cleared the preliminary rounds and all that shit)

OK, coming to the point. The Hotel's management who were supposed to come for the interview were late by 2 hours and so we had a break after spending an eternity in the seminar hall. As expected, once it was announced that the company will be coming a little later, I decided to go to my room to get freshen up and come back in a better, relaxed mood.

Alas, it wasn't going to be.

I met an ex-group mate, a person who doesn't really know what should be spoken where. Anyway, as i was on my way to my room and I saw her, as a matter of habit I waved my hand in a salaam and was about to leave. (why i did that..???). But no...bang came the questions!

Group mate - "Kunal, tumne bhi apply kara hain?" (Kunal, did you also apply for Hotel *****)
Me - "haan, meri pehli company where i am applying" (yeah, my first company....)
GM - But why?
Me - Huh?
GM - I mean, you're not for this company.
Me - Why so?
GM - I mean, I always thought you were for a cubicle sort of a thing, an office kind of guy. you are fit for some software engg thingy and should apply for those IT companies only!
Me - oh really???.. thanks for the motivation just before the interview...
GM - oh no no, i didn't mean that. i Just said it. It's my opinion. Best of luck. I am sure you'll get selected. (grin)

wow! That's what I was told just before my interview. Imagine. That in her opinion I am not eligible for a hospitality industry (the reasons - i don't socialize with many people for the sake of it, i don't go to parties where alcohol will be inevitable cos me being a non-drinker and other stuffs) And ya, I dont look good and handsome and fit for a 5 star hotel.

I let it go so as not to ruin my day. But the same thing happened when another ass-hole who has a habit of commenting on every damn thing even if he has got nothing to do with anything. He shares his name with the future prime minister of India (from Indian national Congress and the "baba" of politics these days)

He met me and his question (in Gujarati) - "Tu ***** ma bese che? pan mhane lagyo aa tara mate nathi. tu toh mothi company ma apply karwanu toh ne?"
(You sitting for this company? but i thought you are not fit for it. You were gonna sit for some big company na?)

I snapped at him. And with the anger went whatever li'l confidence I had mustered for the interview. As you can predict, I was not selected. I knew I was never was going to...but then, I lost in the most basic question - "tell me about yourself". I went blank, stuttered and finally said some shit ending up sounding like the biggest loser of the 12 candidates in the room!!!

the only lesson i learnt was - not to come across anyone for my next interview. and secondly, i will have to ask these "experts" if i should sit for any other company!!

I remember the quote from the movie - Home from holidays (1995) -

"Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."

Bythe way, that's my opinion too!! :D



P.S.: Please never interrupt anyone before his/her interview. It's a request! If you can't say good luck, then it's better you keep your effin' mouth shut! And this is my first and last post with the swearing. Sorry, but had to get the frustration out :D

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