Monday, March 16, 2009

Simply Nothing!

the fire inside

has burnt my soul today

i cant stand living in here

a place which is

full of lies, deceit...

i want to hang myself in shame

'cause i have been part of this dirty game

that's been played here every day

by everyone

the praises, the applause...

everything here is fake,

the people, the so-called friends!

for god's sake,

stop all this, it ain't gonna help,

sugar coating your insults and tryin' to belittle others

is not something we're here for

but who am i

to tell anyone this

the person whom nobody listens to

who's made fun of behind his back

who's remembered when the laptop has encountered

any problem,

or when you are alone and

want someone to accompany you for a walk,

or just to talk!

do you know who does that ?

a dog!!!

yes, may be, that's what i am!!!


  1. hey hey dis was nice no doubt bt a li'l too harsh...hope its nt meant on me...if it is den m xtrmly sorry to make u cum across sch harsh feelings...ppl arund r nt so bad...atleast u cn for very sure rely on me...i knw wa i m...m nt a part of dis place as sch...n neva do i fake u most welcome to cum upto me n share ur thots...will b more than happy...

  2. People will respect u when u respect urself... its about how u brand urself.....

    Dog is the most faithful n loyal frnd u will ever find... thank god, i found u....


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