Monday, September 28, 2009
Stalin's New post and my thoughts!!!
The original post and comment can be read here
I am re-posting the post and MY comment here too.
Stalin's Post -
Deepak: Stalin, you did not wish me on my birthday
Stalin : Oh, i am so sorry. Your birthday just went right.
Deepak: Anyways you forgot. That's the truth
Stalin : Why you removed your birth day stauts from Orkut
Deepak: I was just checking who were wishing without knowing it from Orkut, but i was expecting your call.
Stalin : I am really sorry. Belated happy birthday.
This is a part of my conversation with my friend Deepak two days after his birth day. No body can deny the fact that we are used to web,internet and social networking sites now a days. I can even say that we are totally dependent on internet. Previously we have to remember so many things , but now no need. On social networking sites friend's,relatives birth day keep coming and we simply by watching that wish them. But if someone will hide his/her birth day status, then we will not be able to wish him/her. There comes the problem. The person who may be expecting your wish will definitely feel bad. Because emotion plays a very crucial role in every human's life. Unintentionally we will keep hurting our beloved persons. What can i term this fault of human or technology?
MY comment -
What was the last time we left our room without our mobile phone!?
What was the last time we spent an entire day without checking our emails?
what was the last time we had a "real" conversation with out loved ones!
There are many such questions one can ask him/herself and get into an introspection mode without getting any answer. The worst part is, we don't feel guilty of losing out on our human touch today. We feel "illiterate" if we do not have the knowledge of the latest social networking site. Most of us have 200+ friends on Orkut and Facebook. But how many will come to us when we need. If someone doesn't poke us on Facebook or send an Application request for a long time, we ignore him 'cos he's ain't a friend of us anymore. This is the reality of our life today.
I have altered the definition of Friends as - A contact whom you prominently see on your social networking profile list. That's it. There ain't no real friends no more. Many of you might disagree, but think of the time you last forgot everything else - your cell, smses, mails, and just sat down and let your heart out to a person.
We have become skeptical of humans. We find solace in playing Farmville. We get the kick by playing Mafia wars. But we do not have the time to remember our friends' birthdays. Technology empowers us to gain knowledge, but imprisons us in it's claws.
Nice post Stalin. Keep it up.
What I find is that we have slowly detached ourselves from others. But that's not the core of the problem. The problem is we are detached from our true self too. It is not the fault of anyone but us.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
John Galt's Oath...
So i thought to put in something - a quote which people have read in my gmail status msg and appreciated!
The quote is again from an Ayn Rand book, Atlas Shrugged. The main protagonist John Galt's oath and one of the most important messages that could be take from the book.
The Oath...
“I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”
So simple. So true. And please don't argue - what about your parents, family, friends, loved ones etc.
For what I see is that unless you think about yourself clearly, you can't think about anyone, you can't live for them. Actually speaking, you shouldn't. If you do, your living doesn't make sense. If you think you'll make someone happy by living their way it won't be. You'll be unhappy by not fulfilling your desires - and if the person truly loves you, s/he will not be happy to see you in any trouble (emotional or physical). Secondly, if you bring in discussion great people like Mother Teresa and Gandhiji and Nelson Mandela - their living for others was also a part of their selfish need (no disrespect meant, I revere all three) - the selfish motive of being happy in seeing others happy.
We pretend to be living for our loved ones, then why is such misery, so many worries around? Shouldn't there be love and peace when everyone lives for others here (or so everyone claims). It's not we ignore anyone, it's just a matter of being able to identify what you are, what you care for. Once you know this, you'll see how things change.
The oath is not that one SHOULD follow, but if everyone can follow even a tenth of it, I guess the world would be much better. Vague thoughts, but it's just my interpretation.
I hope I soon get something to write...I am getting rusty! :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Some promises!
One thing all of 'em agree (me too) that my posts are pretty sad and depressin'. One of 'em even told me not to post him any link again if the posts are in the same "blue" writing. He wants happy posts and would love to read them (dude, I would be more than happy to write "happy" posts than you would be to read them)
Anyway, in one of my earlier posts I had mentioned I wont write anything sad. And I have stuck to my promise. If you see my earlier poems they are depressin' with a capital "D" whereas my new one is based on optimism that I'll be happy now and move on to explore my new life (or whatever you think)
Well, I am just startin' to understand somethin'. So I decided when I was in the process of receiving comments that I'll do 2 things:
1) To stop my sarcastic comments(people who know me will also know that it is really difficult for me)
2) To concentrate more on myself than others - what others do, think and project. (this is more difficult than the first one)
I have given myself a time period, till my birthday, and I hope to achieve it till then.
I still have time. I want to achieve it.
That'll be the day when I'll be able to justify my blog title. If I couldn't then I'll change it (that'll hurt)
So expect some hard hitting, realistic but positive posts from Kunal now.
Kunal Lodha
PS: one more thing I wanna do is to keep my posts shorter. It's the most difficult thing. I have difficulty in cutting words when writin'!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Movin' on!
It wasn’t easy,
Oh it never was!
I’ve wasted 3 years, fighting for a lost cause…
Finally have understood somethin’, should’ve known that long back…
When I was thrown out like a rug-o-sack,
But whatever it is, whatever it was, I have decided to move on..
We’ll meet someday again, but not as friends…
‘Cause ...
Have turned away, left the past behind...
Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find...
Movin' on - this is my END!
It is no one to be blamed but me,
You all were a part of my fantasy,
I have never been good, I have always faulted
I have always clung on to you, when you never wanted…
Finally I have learned my lesson, I promise not to repeat,
Guys so long, I’ll not bother you again, ‘cause
Have turned away, left the past behind...
Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find...
Movin' on - this is my END!
Those were some great days, I thoroughly enjoyed them,
Some moments of ecstasy, fun and a few of shame,
I was rude, selfish, and a big time bore…
You always gave me love, but I kept askin’ for more..
Without givin it back, what was I thinkin’,
Oh! May be ‘cause I was smitten by someone, I hold on to her clingin’,
She never really liked me, I remained in hallucinations,
I suffered a lot, not ‘cause of her, but of me,
I shouldn’t have done some stuff I did,
But now,
Have turned away, left the past behind...
Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find...
Movin' on - this is my END!
I apologize for the moments, I gave y’all trouble,
Had a lot of dreams, but reality has burst that bubble…
I always wished, if the time turns back, there are mistakes I’ll rectify ,
But now I don’t wanna do that, I’ll just say goodbye…
I had many complaints, but have realized they were all with me,
So please guys for once accept my apology, and……
Have turned away, left the past behind...
Stopped seekin’ FRIENDS I know I’ll never find...
Movin' on - this is my END!
Kunal Lodha
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A-pathetic Mumbai ?
But anyway, that doesn't stop history. And this time it's Congress that has done it. In the last 15 years no other political party has emerged as the single largest party in the world's largest democracy. And thanks to the clean image of Manmohan Singh (no sarcasms) and the grass root level work done by Rahul baba ( i doubt - the media hyped the "tours" a lot in the last phase of the elections) and ofcourse the mother of all - Sonia Gandhi. The best part of the election campaign for the winning party was their optimistic marketing . Even though there were terrorist attacks (too many to count), the slowdown (where's the money, honey!) and negative attacks by the BJP - congress stood its way and showed how bright the future is. (ya ofcourse it's not that bright)
BJPs fault - as per the post elections debates and discussions were - giving a free reign to the tongue of Varun Gandhi (i already spoke about him), Narenda Modi and portraying LK Advani as the next PM. The most irritating part was the viral marketing strategies used by the BJP - go to any site, you'll find an open-mouthed Advani's picture somewhere on the righ corner of your screen. Once. Twice. Everytime. And one thing i know is that people don't like that man9not even in BJP). He's a great leader, no doubt. But nobody sees him as the prime minister (except perhaps for him).
The post elections drama followed - "the blind man "and the "female who shouts for no reason" came as the best alliance for Congress. After poor Lalu was sidelined (more due to his own faults), these leaders were the ones people were looking up to who will help congress to form a stable government. But life isn's easy! The blind man started his family soap. And the woman who shouts...did what she is best at- she shouted! And then there were fights, and fights and they are stil going on!
Who gets what is to be seen - but one things for sure. The new government has some tough days ahead.
The day after the external affairs minister Mr. S Krishna took charge - we already have riots in our country in Punjab (because of the Vienna incident). one of our neighbours is celebrating (prabhakaran's dead - thank god) and the other neighbour's in distress (Pakistan fighting the Taliban - i don't understand how the friends turned foe). and then there is also North Korea who has the guts to stand up against all the countries by testing its nuclear weapons (India wil lbe undert he pressure from the US to sign the non-proliferation treaty), and the list goes on!
So welcome Congress - the roads ahead are not smooth - Lots to do!
My best wishes are with all the oldies - ( i dnt know if any of the new ones will get the good portfolios)
Let's hope for a great future for India (and for the bank balances of the new ministers!)
Kunal Lodha
Friday, May 1, 2009
Is it wrong to expect! ?
Yeah yeah, I know! TOO much is Baaayyyd! but what exactly IS too much!?
when you call someone a friend, you do stuffs for them but all they gotta do is to hang out with people who are more fun, have good jokes to say and make fun off others behind their backs - not knowing that behind your back the same persons say disgusting things about YOU too!!!
I had a discussion about this with two other people a few days back! mr S and ms S!
We all had experienced problems with expectations - one of us experiencing it recently. And we kept telling to each other - see, you shouldn't expect this, that the world's selfish, that being alone is better, this, that, blah blah blah! I felt good to give such gyan and then what happens? I come into my room and start expecting that these people with whom I have shared my thoughts will understand why I am such a disgusting person! or rather a loser something what they call me!
I know its ironical but then that's what human tendency is. You just cant stop expecting. Okay, like me you wont be expecting much of people you talk to or share similar tastes - but you do expect it from your parents and family and if you're lucky to have some people you call friends!
You might think - 'nah man, it ain't true. I really don't expect anything from anyone. I am all fine by myself. I don't need anyone......'. But that's the biggest lie you are telling and that too not to me but to yourself. Imagine you doing everything for your roomie or friend - remembering his/her birthday, buying gifts, getting all emotional when s/he is leaving, or coming back, etc! all those emotional and foolish things you do to see that charming smile on their faces. And IF you don't get something, or you see them not spending time with you, or getting busy or just not in mood - you'll put on a brave face of understanding, go sit on your computer surfing. But in your heart, you're feeling bad. I know you do. and you know it too. That's because you expect. You expect to be loved back. You expect to be get the same or better treatment what you give to others. You expect it and accept it people!
That's what i do. I expect the same treatment - not better but just the same kind of gestures from people. Nothing more, nothing less! And there's nothing great I do that can't be given back. But then, my bigggest problem is that I am not a fun person you can hang out with right. And because being a bore is a criminal offence under "Society Laws - 101", I should be punished. I should just give and not expect back. Just because I don't fit into your scheme of things, I don't deserve to expect. I just don't deserve it...oh yeah!!
And it is wrong. Yeah, I know my blog title says that freedom means not to expect anything. but I don't know if I ll ever be able to get to that point. Iwish Icould. But I also know I wouldn't! only if Ayn Rand were alive!
Kunal Lodha
P.S.: My blogs getting depressing day by day. I think I need a break!! :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
एक दोस्त की तलाश में,
आज भी अपने आप को आजमाता हूँ,
जहाँ देखी भीड़,
दौड़के पहुँच जाता हूँ,
सोचता हूँ कोई तो जाना पहचाना सा चेहरा दिख जाए,
कोई तो हो वहां जिसको हम याद आ जाए,
पर सब कुछ रुखा सा, अनजाना सा लगता हैं...
कुछ नही अपना, सब बेगाना सा लगता हैं,
सामने मिलती हैं वो सुखी नज़रें,
जिनमें भयानक सी हँसी छिपी हैं,
जो हँसती हैं मेरी बेबसी पर, मेरी तन्हाई पर ,
भीड़ में हैं वो लोग...
जो कहने को दोस्त, पर दुश्मन से बद्दतर है,
जिनकी ज़बान पे प्यार, और हाथ में खंजर हैं,
चेहरे पे हसी, पर दिल में कुछ और,
प्यार भरे शब्दों में अपनी नफरत छिपाके
मुझे अपने साथ रखते हैं, बुलाते हैं
पहले जानता नहीं, पर अब,
उन्हें देखके डर सा लगता हैं,
भाग जाऊँ यहाँ से, सिर्फ़ यह ख्याल मन में चलता हैं,
इतनी हिम्मत नही मुझमें, इतनी हिम्मत नहीं!
नज़रें झुकाके चल देता हूँ अपने कमरे की ओर
पीछे उस भयानक हँसी की गूंज सुनाई पड़ती हैं,
सभी खुश हैं अपनों के साथ, फ़िर भी हैं एक दुसरे के ख़िलाफ़,
सभी जानते हैं यह, सभी मानते हैं यह,
सिर्फ़ मैं ही अनाडी था, समझ नहीं पाया....
दोस्त बनाने चला था, पर हमेशा की तरह
मुंह की खाया...
अपने अन्दर एक चीख का एहसास होता हैं
दिल में एक टीस सी उठती हैं
आँखें भर सी आती हैं ...सब कुछ धुंधला लगता हैं,
किसी तरह कदम संभलके कमरे में पहुँचता हूँ
बिस्तर पे लेट के हर दिन को कोसता हूँ
एक बार नही यह बार बार होता हैं
दिल हर बार यह सहके रोता हैं....
यह पता हैं शिकायत भी नहीं कर सकता ख़ुदा से,इसमें किसी का दोष नहीं
कौन समझाए इस दिल को,
कौन रोके इसकी तलाश...
जिस दोस्त की तलाश इसको हैं,
वो तो कब का मर चुका हैं!
Kunal Lodha
Friday, March 27, 2009
सब कुछ चलता हैं!
आज कल यह एक ख्वाब रात भर सताता है,
आँखें जब खुलती हैं वो ख्वाब टूट जाता है,
ख्वाब टूटता है तब दिल ज़रासा जलता है,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!
पता नहीं क्यूँ पर तन्हा घूमना रास आता हैं,
पता नहीं क्यूँ भीड़ में दिल घबराता है,
फिर भी दूसरो को खुश देखके मनन में कुछ खलता है,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!
तू अगर अच्छा है, सच्चा है, तो तेरी यहाँ जगह नहीं,
यही आज की रीत है, इसकी कोई वजह नहीं,
सबको अपनाने वाला आखिर में सिर्फ हाथ मलता हैं,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!
दुनिया अब किसी की नहीं रही, सब अपने में मस्त है,
दोस्ती एक नाकामयाबी है, ख़ुशी गंगा में अस्त हैं,
दोस्तों, सिर्फ अपनी सोचो, अब इसी में सफलता है,
क्या करें यार, अब सिर्फ यही चलता है!!
मिलना है तुमसे, बहुत कुछ कहना है
जुदाई यह कुछ भी नहीं, आगे बहुत कुछ सहना है
मिएँगे कभी, साथ रहेंगे, यह अरमान दिल में पलता है,
पर क्या करें यार, अब तो सब कुछ चलता हैं!
Kunal Lodha
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Child!
Before writing anything, I would like to thank Mr. Varun Gandhi for reminding me if this incident that i had forgotten in the mundane activities of life. His "famous" speech led me back to those dreadful time after the bomb blasts in mumbai in 2007. It was a small incident i want to share here!
it was a week after hundreds of people lost their lives in the mumbai local train bomb blasts. things were getting back to normal, people had resumed their work, lives and were slowly coming out of the terror caused by the blasts. i can't recall the exact day or date, its been a long time now. but what happened is still etched very clearly in my mind. i was standing near the gate in the first class compartment of a churchgate bound virar local in the morning at around 7:50. the compartment was not even half filled of what it is generally. things were not still good. some of the daily commuters had lost their friends or colleagues or family members, and the heaviness of their hearts could be felt in the small compartment. everything was silent, the silence which people long for in a normal - all good day! but not today. everyone was uneasy.
suddenly i noticed a muslim family sitting in the train. the old uncle, aunt and a small child , probably around 2-3 years old. he was crying aloud but they didn't do anything. they were afraid of all the eyes looking at them. the hatred which was never shown on the news channel during those days in fear of causing more troubles, was being felt by them (on them) and many others at that time. the fellow passengers who used to sing bhajans and play cards were all silently staring at the crying kid. their eyes were moving from him to the guardians (or probably grandparents). it wasn't a scene that was observed daily. a beautiful, innocent child crying and people just ignoring him!
the train haulted at andheri station and in came a haughty mister whom i had noticed quite a number of times in this local. he was an extreminst hindu and was known to pass strange, unnecessary and abusive comments on the muslims and be proud about it. when he entered, i had a strange feeling - an uneasiness, a fear that something bad is about to happen. and something did happen. but not what i had expected...
the mister went inside and stood near the opposite side of where the scared family of three was sitting. he heard the cries of the child and turned back. i was observing each and every second of this event and i swear, my heart was skipping beats. you must be thinking why! because the mister had entered shouting abuses on the muslim community and all the things the people inside he train were already feeling. i was afraid that his one comment or action might spark off a fire that could have burnt the whole train that day. the mister was in an aggressive mood. (i later came to know that he had lost his friend in the blasts and it was his first day to office after the horrible events). he turned back and saw the child crying - the child's eyes red with tears, his cheeks all swollen up and probably he was also hungry.
the mister stood staring at the child. everyone could feel that he was getting disturbed at the sound and that the volcano in his mind might just burst. but it was not to be. nobody knows why but he started whistling. whistling the complete song - "aa chal ke tujhey main leke chalun aek aise gagan ke tale. Jahan gham bhi na ho aansoon bhi na ho, bass pyar hi pyar pale". i was shocked. amazed. and i could not believe what was happening. it was in a minute or two the child stopped crying. he was looking at the mister (who was not looking at him). and everyone was looking at them.
the uneasiness had started to lift and the atmosphere was becoming light. dadar came. the grandparents got up and started to leave. it was here their eyes met the mister. it was at this time the mister really saw the child.
and it was here the child smiled!!! that innocent smile lit up the faces of all the fellow passengers. i could see they were just as happy as the child was. the mister smiled back. it all happened in two minutes and the child and the grandparents were lost in the crowd as the train started moving.
the child who could have been the victim of the hate that day had brought happiness in the small train compartment. by the time we reached churchgate, i am sure everyone had that innocent smile in his heart and i am also sure that their day was brightened with the sunshine of a smile. oh i forgot to add. the smile of a muslim child!
how can i believe you mr. varun gandhi, or for that matter any person who is trying to propagate hatred in our hearts. i agree that our innocence has been lost in the attacks that have happened in all these years. but there is still innocence in the smile of every child, and that innocence is what the world needs today. the mister was a hater like you mr. gandhi, but in front of a child, even he could not show his feelings. the feelings vanished with that smile.
the smile that was neither hindu, nor muslim, or any other religion. it was the proof that we all still are the same and that just because people like you and others for their political and other benefits try to bring in the divide among people. i just wish you would get a chance to see that kind of smile. and i hope it is soon.
Kunal Lodha
Friday, March 20, 2009
but the strange thing is -
now i don't want you back,
i don't want anything bright here, or white here,
i m now used to black,
i am used to the darkness,
the hopelessness,
the loneliness...
the never ending tunnel of despair,
my life got screwed such,
that nobody can repair!
i don't want you, o smile!
you better be lost...
you know na why were you lost,
'cause some friends took you away,
friends - the word, the illusion that doesn't exist
they took you, and you went along,
singing that goddamn song,
and i was left here,
with tears,
with hopes,
that you would return...
but you didn't, oh damn you!
you didn't!
i waited and waited, and finally...
i lost!
i lost my battle with sadness,
it has empowered me,
tortured me...BUT!
but tell you what ? i am also through...
i don't want you,
now do whatever you can do!
let people ask "kunal, don't you smile ?"
i ll say happily,
no i don't,
i don't, i don't, i don't!!
P.S.: This is dedicated to my college people from K.C. College.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Breaking up "MANAGEMENT"
was sitting in the class, trying to pay attention to the lecture but was not in the mood today (yet again, ufff) suddenly i saw the word "management" - okay i have seen it more than a hundred thousand times now but todaywas something different. i started breaking it up (told you notin the mood to do anything constructive or productive) to get the smaller words and was amazed how nicely management could be broken up to form new words that relate to management.
Okay, it's childish and it may not appeal to you, but then, who cares. J/K ( haha)!
Here come some of the words I took from management and also how I broke them (people from ABS who'll accidentally or forcefully read my post, i want to clarify that the post is 100% original ;) )
1) Man/Men - of course management is done on the four M's - Money, Method, Material and Men. Man/men had to be a part of it.
2) Age - The art of management (managing people, resources, decision making etc) improves with age and experience.
3) Team - Aha! this was a surprise. Management decision today are not taken alone, your team has to be with you. employee empowerment and making them participate in the decision making is a part of many corporate cultures (my HR book said so) and thus team will always form a part of "management"
4) Mate - Some of your team members may become your mates, friends, buddies, etc. This improves communication within the team and helps to manage things better. Communication is an important key to the room leading to success.
5) Name - Creating a name for your organization, team , project etc. is important for a manager. the name (or call it the brand) will determine how much importance you have in others' opinion.
6) Neat - The art of management should be not be sloppy. Risk should be taken when making decisions but one should not just "jump" into it. Calculated risk is required. Also the work you perform should not be just for finishing it on a deadline. Ofcourse time is important but the work should be neat and in a way that stands out.
7)Meet - Meet people. Need not say more about it
8) Meat - Not for food. I take this meat for money. All things are important but ultimately, the management decisions are all taken to maximize this meat and thus it forms an integral part of management
9) Mean - You gotta be mean at times (It's just what i feel, no compulsions :))
10) Maa - If there is someone from whom you wanna learn management its your mother. she manages everything so perfectly, that all management gurus should take a bow. Vande Mataram.
there are many more words, but these were the ones i found to be apt for the post (and also to keep it short)
Comments are welcome, ridicule is not :)
P.S. I had forgotten a very important break-up of the word -
GAME - management's a game that is to be played with ethics (haha), with sincerity (double haha!) and with good intentions for the company, for its people, for customers, for the nation, in short, for everyone. Just ask Ramalinga Raju, he'll let u know! ;)
just kidding!
thanks gopika for reminding :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Simply Nothing!
the fire inside
has burnt my soul today
i cant stand living in here
a place which is
full of lies, deceit...
i want to hang myself in shame
'cause i have been part of this dirty game
that's been played here every day
by everyone
the praises, the applause...
everything here is fake,
the people, the so-called friends!
for god's sake,
stop all this, it ain't gonna help,
sugar coating your insults and tryin' to belittle others
is not something we're here for
but who am i
to tell anyone this
the person whom nobody listens to
who's made fun of behind his back
who's remembered when the laptop has encountered
any problem,
or when you are alone and
want someone to accompany you for a walk,
or just to talk!
do you know who does that ?
a dog!!!
yes, may be, that's what i am!!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The "Right" way of blogging!
First things first...he told me to stop the 3-5 dots i put after every comment....see..these dots!
These ain't professional - you are not supposed to put so many dots in your blog.
Secondly, let the blog begin with a capital letter! oh, i knew that! dammit!
Thirdly, promote your blog!
And fourth, K.I.S.S.! (I hope you know)
I would like to thank him for his "constructive criticism" and I swear by my college that I would follow all these from now on!
Hail Stalin!
Friday, March 13, 2009
bad presentations.......aaaaaaaggghhhhhh!!!!!!
i look upon Steve Jobs on how to give learn from him the intricacies and things to be kept in mind while making the presentations. of course you cant be charismatic....its inborn (though my OB book argues it). but the way he presents there's a lot to learn...
i used to think i know a lot....i have learnt everything from watching his videos...imitating him in my close room and ALONE! but when it comes to presenting in front of an audience..that too comprising of all the people i know since 8 months now...i still don't deliver. my last presentations were as bad as they could the first one i just could not speak due to some physical problems....and the second i took the safe way out by presenting two vague slides which were not at all important to the topic....and as it can be guessed..i dd not get marks for the "effort"...
feeling dejected and still tired of the work that has been assigned....i was going through seth godin's blog..(a new way to vent out my frustration.....reading blogs and trying to find mistakes in them..haha)...he writes that 'great presentations can be made when the presenter is respected by the audience and when s/he gives love to the audience in the form of teaching, learning, help and use of other forms'...and i totally agree with it..
but then what struck me was...when i try to justify myself (to me)...i thought....seth's right...i should get the respect (i don't know for what but i should get it) and i am giving my love to the audience by "trying" to make them understand something they know or simply don't want to listen to.
though there are some classmates who have got great body language, great speech and great convincing power (and some have great impression that forces people to listen and praise them even if they speak s**t)...they are the one people respect but they don't give "love" to the audience...something seth calls as "a self promotional talk"... :)
the problem all of us face in the class is that nobody bothers to listen to the other. everyone here wants to have his or her share of fun and enjoyment. nobody cares about the other (though we call each other friends) and will do nothing to encourage the presenter during the presentation, but will have hundreds and thousandes of motivational and consoling words after the presentation has gone bad. i have seen some people (not necessarily from my class) trying to console the others but end up irritating the person.
but that doesn't mean i am justifying my bad presentations...i was under-prepared, not well and of course just not in the mood to give the presentations......not my fault...haha!
though i know that the presentations can be improved by lots of preparations and pratice...but there's only one thing i got from the whole thing is that i don't call for respect from my own classmates (still don't know if that's important) and which is something i ll have to work upon.......
any suggestions ????